The Oriental Medical Center®
The Oriental Medical Center® in Nagoya, Japan, was founded on September 15, 1967 with the goal of practicing traditional acupuncture and moxibustion, seeking to perfect its medical treatment through the combination of Western medical science with the aim of further developing Eastern medicine while making a positive contribution to society through acupuncture.
The treatment provided at The Oriental Medical Center® is based on the basic research, and clinical experiments. Illnesses treated include pain related ailments (neck-shoulder-arm syndrome (brachialgia), lower back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain etc.) but also intermittent complaints (stiffness of shoulders, headache, insomnia, loss of appetite (inappetence), eye fatigue and others) as well as internal ailments including diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, as well as allergies and gynecological concerns.
Additionally, we also offer accupuncture treatment at the institute to improve general health and welfare. At the center of our various treatments is the concept of the Biological Control therapy, for which we have gathered a great deal of clinical experience and data.
The Oriental Medical Center® does not provide Judo seifuku, seitai Chiropractic, Supplement, Ayuverda, yoga or other similar therapies.
What is the Oriental Medical Center®?
The Development of the Oriental Medical Center®
The Oriental Medical Center® was founded on September 15, 1967, and since that time we have carried out research of the fundamentals of acupuncture and moxibustion.With a basis in traditional acupuncture and moxibation medicine, we hope to contribute to society through the perfection of acupunctural medicine and improvements in acupuncture treatment brought about by the incorporation of both eastern and western medicine
Additionally, we have worked to educate and train the acupuncturists of tomorrow, many of whom operate their own practices. Thus the Oriental Medical CenterR Group continues to make a positive contribution to society.
The Philosophy of the Oriental Medical Center®
When we suffer from an illness, we encounter physical and psychological pain of varying degrees. Also, we experience economic hardship from medical bills and a decreas in ability to do work. We encounter impediments in our daily life.
It is also not unusual that an illness is not completely cured and that there remain prognostic symptoms or after-effects. Many people suffer from physical and psychological disability for many years or for the entire remainder of their lives. It is foolish to only look for help once an illnesses has appeared and physical, psychological and social disabilities have been endured. What is better is to prevent illnesses before they take hold.
In developed nations, for a long time it has been said that “prevention is the best treatment.” That is where Oriental Medicine performs best. Sun Simiao who lived from the late Sui to early Tang dynasties (581 A.D.-673 A.D.) wrote Senkin-Hou Meaning ‘a book for the benefit of human life which is heavier than a thousand pieces of gold’. In that book, Son writes that a great doctor heals diseases that have not yet developed; an average doctor heals people; and an inferior doctor heals illnesses. In other words, he proclaims that great doctors prevent illness.
Prevention of illness before it occurs is a doctor’s first mission, and treatment of illnesses is the second. For acupuncture and moxibustion medicine, the first kind of treatment is preventative medicine after that treatment of illnesses and prevention of worsening. Modern medicine tends to rely on tests, and if tests do not return results indicating an organic illnesses they see the patient as not suffering from and illness and offer no treatment.

Mouse which was not treated using

Image of mouse which was treated over a long period with acupuncture.
At the Oriental Medical Center®, between September 7, 1986 and September 30, 1988, we treated 50 mice with acupuncture twice a week, and another group of mice received no treatment. We compared the results (see photo above). Those mice that received treatment were found to preserve their biological homeostasis (meaning when internal and external stresses impacted their bodies, their bodies were able to protect themselves, exhibiting a system of preservation of internal state with little effect on their biological structure) and defensive mechanisms (protection of the body from internal and external environment and prevention of disease as well as an improvements in natural recovery ability). Moreover, animals receiving treatment were found to clearly suffer less from debilitation due to aging. Beyond that, the results of our basic research and clinical experience indicate that acupuncture treatment has a positive influence and prevention of adulthood illnesses. We have presented the results of our research at the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, as well as The Society of Biological Control System, among others.
As explained above, at the Oriental Medical Center®, treatment of illness is an important function, but we also pursue heath maintenance and illness prevention. With proper techniques, acupuncture is pain free and without side effects, and treatment can be continued for long periods with no anxiety. Long term treatment leads to improvements in internal consistency and the effectiveness of the body’s preservation systems, improving health maintenance. Treatment twice weekly can lead to a healthier body, and longer life.